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SEC0157 - ASA CX Upgrade

The video talks you through steps to upgrade Cisco PRSM server and ASA CX from version 9.2 to 9.3. We will be using web interface to perform the upgrade and explain its benefit over command line. We will also be discussing specifics of upgrade throughout this video to help you avoid any possible gotchas. Most importantly, you can get the sense of how long the whole upgrade process may take.

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SEC0156 - ASA CX Configuration Backup and Restore

The video shows you the procedure to manually backup and restore configuration on Cisco PSRM server and ASA CX via command line. From this, you will know what to expect should you ever need to whether revert back config changes or recover from a disaster.

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The video demonstrates NG IPS capability of Cisco ASA CX. We will go through IPS Profile configuration, threat level adjustment, and available threat response actions. We will test our configuration by simulating a bot communication attempt to an IRC server using an IRC client. You will get to see CX IPS in action in this video.

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SEC0154 - ASA CX File Type Filtering

The video show you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to perform traffic restriction based on MIME file type. We will demonstrate this through file download and upload to a SharePoint server via HTTP and HTTPS. At the end, we will try to run FTP, a non-MIME supported protocol, through an access policy and discuss the outcome of the testing.

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SEC0153 - ASA CX VPN User and User Agent Filtering (Part 2)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to enforce Active Authentication and apply the same decryption and access policies to the remote VPN user so they can have the same user experiences as those locating inside the network. We will perform additional traffic restriction based on client operating system using information provided by Cisco AnyConnect client, as well as user browser type using User Agent attribute.  

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SEC0153 - ASA CX VPN User and User Agent Filtering (Part 1)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to enforce Active Authentication and apply the same decryption and access policies to the remote VPN user so they can have the same user experiences as those locating inside the network. We will perform additional traffic restriction based on client operating system using information provided by Cisco AnyConnect client, as well as user browser type using User Agent attribute.  

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0152 - ASA CX Malware Protection and Safe Search (Part 2)

The video goes over two security features of Cisco ASA CX; Malware Protection, and Safe Search. You will be introduced to the concept of web reputation score and how it is used to help CX identify websites that potentially contain malware. We will demonstrate the use of reputation profile on both access and decryption policies. The second half of this lab covers Safe Search and how and why you might want to consider enabling this feature in your user environment along with its caveats.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Difficulty Level: 

SEC0152 - ASA CX Malware Protection and Safe Search (Part 1)

The video goes over two security features of Cisco ASA CX; Malware Protection, and Safe Search. You will be introduced to the concept of web reputation score and how it is used to help CX identify websites that potentially contain malware. We will demonstrate the use of reputation profile on both access and decryption policies. The second half of this lab covers Safe Search and how and why you might want to consider enabling this feature in your user environment along with its caveats.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0151 - ASA CX URL and Web Category Filtering (Part 2)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to perform web filtering. We will be creating a whitelist and blacklist of website URL that we want to enforce on our users. We will then take one step further and leverage website category that is built into the CX. In addition to a deny action, we will explore a warn option and try to explore its behavior. To show you the flexibility of web category, we will apply it to decryption policy to get better control of the type of traffic that will or will not get decrypted. The video finishes by showing you the customization of user notification pages.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0151 - ASA CX URL and Web Category Filtering (Part 1)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to perform web filtering. We will be creating a whitelist and blacklist of website URL that we want to enforce on our users. We will then take one step further and leverage website category that is built into the CX. In addition to a deny action, we will explore a warn option and try to explore its behavior. To show you the flexibility of web category, we will apply it to decryption policy to get better control of the type of traffic that will or will not get decrypted. The video finishes by showing you the customization of user notification pages.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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