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SEC0152 - ASA CX Malware Protection and Safe Search (Part 2)

The video goes over two security features of Cisco ASA CX; Malware Protection, and Safe Search. You will be introduced to the concept of web reputation score and how it is used to help CX identify websites that potentially contain malware. We will demonstrate the use of reputation profile on both access and decryption policies. The second half of this lab covers Safe Search and how and why you might want to consider enabling this feature in your user environment along with its caveats.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0152 - ASA CX Malware Protection and Safe Search (Part 1)

The video goes over two security features of Cisco ASA CX; Malware Protection, and Safe Search. You will be introduced to the concept of web reputation score and how it is used to help CX identify websites that potentially contain malware. We will demonstrate the use of reputation profile on both access and decryption policies. The second half of this lab covers Safe Search and how and why you might want to consider enabling this feature in your user environment along with its caveats.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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