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SEC0157 - ASA CX Upgrade

The video talks you through steps to upgrade Cisco PRSM server and ASA CX from version 9.2 to 9.3. We will be using web interface to perform the upgrade and explain its benefit over command line. We will also be discussing specifics of upgrade throughout this video to help you avoid any possible gotchas. Most importantly, you can get the sense of how long the whole upgrade process may take.

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SEC0145 - ASA CX Active Authentication (Part 2)

The video shows you the first method of obtaining user identity on Cisco ASA CX using Active Authentication. We will integrate CX with Windows Active Directory to perform user authentication as well as user group query. We will redo our access policies from the previous lab and replace the source IP subnet with AD user group. This would be our first step towards identity-based access policies and free ourselves from the use of just IP addresses. 

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SEC0145 - ASA CX Active Authentication (Part 1)

The video shows you the first method of obtaining user identity on Cisco ASA CX using Active Authentication. We will integrate CX with Windows Active Directory to perform user authentication as well as user group query. We will redo our access policies from the previous lab and replace the source IP subnet with AD user group. This would be our first step towards identity-based access policies and free ourselves from the use of just IP addresses. 

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SEC0144 - ASA CX Policy, Policy Set and Object

The video introduces you to concepts on Policy Set, Policies, and Object which are basic building blocks of Cisco ASA CX. To help you get familiarized with CX configuration process, we will start with basic access policies by allowing and denying traffic based on L3/L4 information. You will get to see various object types as well as a more advance feature of bandwidth rate limit. We will be focusing on two application services; RDP and HTTP, in this lab.

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SEC0143 - ASA CX Introduction to Web Interface (Part 2)

The video takes you through the user interface of Cisco Prime Security Manager (PRSM) server; first CLI and then web. The goal is to make you comfortable with navigating around menu options whether they are for configuration or logging and reporting. We will cover most of them at high level as we leave all the detail configuration in future videos as we focuses at each of the individual features. 

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SEC0143 - ASA CX Introduction to Web Interface (Part 1)

The video takes you through the user interface of Cisco Prime Security Manager (PRSM) server; first CLI and then web. The goal is to make you comfortable with navigating around menu options whether they are for configuration or logging and reporting. We will cover most of them at high level as we leave all the detail configuration in future videos as we focuses at each of the individual features. 

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SEC0142 - ASA CX Device Add Delete and License Install (Part 2)

The video shows you how to add and delete Cisco ASA CX device from a PRSM server. Terre are two different modes that you can add the CX under; managed, where both ASA and CX are being managed by PRSM, and monitor-only, where only CX is managed, and we will show you both of them. You will be introduced to a concept of out-of-band change under managed mode. We will also go over different licenses available for PRSM and apply them to a CX. Towards the end, we will start redirecting traffic to the CX so we will have a fully functioning PRSM and CX setup.

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SEC0142 - ASA CX Device Add Delete and License Install (Part 1)

The video shows you how to add and delete Cisco ASA CX device from a PRSM server. Terre are two different modes that you can add the CX under; managed, where both ASA and CX are being managed by PRSM, and monitor-only, where only CX is managed, and we will show you both of them. You will be introduced to a concept of out-of-band change under managed mode. We will also go over different licenses available for PRSM and apply them to a CX. Towards the end, we will start redirecting traffic to the CX so we will have a fully functioning PRSM and CX setup.

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SEC0141 - ASA CX Prime Security Manager Installation

The video walks you through an installation of Cisco Prime Security Manager (PRSM) server for managing multiple CX devices. You will get to see the start, where a virtual machine is created, to the finish, where the web interface can be accessed. Since the installation is performed in VMware, a knowledge of VMware ESXi is recommended.
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