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web category

SEC0151 - ASA CX URL and Web Category Filtering (Part 2)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to perform web filtering. We will be creating a whitelist and blacklist of website URL that we want to enforce on our users. We will then take one step further and leverage website category that is built into the CX. In addition to a deny action, we will explore a warn option and try to explore its behavior. To show you the flexibility of web category, we will apply it to decryption policy to get better control of the type of traffic that will or will not get decrypted. The video finishes by showing you the customization of user notification pages.

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SEC0151 - ASA CX URL and Web Category Filtering (Part 1)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to perform web filtering. We will be creating a whitelist and blacklist of website URL that we want to enforce on our users. We will then take one step further and leverage website category that is built into the CX. In addition to a deny action, we will explore a warn option and try to explore its behavior. To show you the flexibility of web category, we will apply it to decryption policy to get better control of the type of traffic that will or will not get decrypted. The video finishes by showing you the customization of user notification pages.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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