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client os

SEC0153 - ASA CX VPN User and User Agent Filtering (Part 2)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to enforce Active Authentication and apply the same decryption and access policies to the remote VPN user so they can have the same user experiences as those locating inside the network. We will perform additional traffic restriction based on client operating system using information provided by Cisco AnyConnect client, as well as user browser type using User Agent attribute.  

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SEC0153 - ASA CX VPN User and User Agent Filtering (Part 1)

The video shows you how to configure Cisco ASA CX to enforce Active Authentication and apply the same decryption and access policies to the remote VPN user so they can have the same user experiences as those locating inside the network. We will perform additional traffic restriction based on client operating system using information provided by Cisco AnyConnect client, as well as user browser type using User Agent attribute.  

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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