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SEC0292 - PAN 9.0 Firewall Getting Started (Part 3)

The video shows you the first look of default configurations of a Palo Alto firewall. We will go through a bootstrapping process and perform basic configuration using GUI and CLI in order to bring up our firewalls and make them operational. The video finishes with device certificate installation.
Average: 5 (4 votes)
Difficulty Level: 

SEC0292 - PAN 9.0 Firewall Getting Started (Part 2)

The video shows you the first look of default configurations of a Palo Alto firewall. We will go through a bootstrapping process and perform basic configuration using GUI and CLI in order to bring up our firewalls and make them operational. The video finishes with device certificate installation.
Average: 5 (3 votes)
Difficulty Level: 

SEC0292 - PAN 9.0 Firewall Getting Started (Part 1)

The video shows you the first look of default configurations of a Palo Alto firewall. We will go through a bootstrapping process and perform basic configuration using GUI and CLI in order to bring up our firewalls and make them operational. The video finishes with device certificate installation.
Average: 5 (3 votes)
Difficulty Level: 
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