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SEC0359 - Firepower 6.7 Firewall Mode and Interface Type (Part 3)
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The video walks you through different operational mode on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will use physical and virtual (NGFWv) Firepower devices to demonstrate routed, passive, inline, transparent, and ERSPAN modes. We will focus on interface and zone configuration to get traffic to pass through the device. We will discuss when it is appropriate to use each firewall mode.
Part 3 of this video covers Firepower device in inline and transparent
Firewall Routed Mode
- Routed Zone
- Routed Interface
Firewall Passive Mode
- Passive Zone
- Passive Interface
- SPAN Session
Firewall Inline Mode
- Inline Zone
- Inline Set
Firewall Transparent Mode
- Etherchannel
- Sub-Interface
- Bridge Group Interface
- Firewall with ERSPAN