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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 2)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 1)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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WL0028 - WLC Miscellaneous Security Features (Part 2)

The videos helps you understand miscellaneous security features available on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at various type of Access Control Lists and differences in their usage, how to protect your network from misbehaving client with Client Exclusion, and how Wifi Direct devices can post a threat to your network. The video closes with securing data with CAPWAP data encryption.
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WL0028 - WLC Miscellaneous Security Features (Part 1)

The videos helps you understand miscellaneous security features available on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at various type of Access Control Lists and differences in their usage, how to protect your network from misbehaving client with Client Exclusion, and how Wifi Direct devices can post a threat to your network. The video closes with securing data with CAPWAP data encryption.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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WL0027 - WLC Local Device Profiling and Policies (Part 3)

The videos demonstrates the use of Local Profiling and Local Policy features on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller to provide granular control of network access to wireless devices. We will first look at how device profiling works and then leverage this information in access policy. We will extend our policy conditions to user AD group via RADIUS role attribute and location in order to enforce differentiate level of access.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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WL0027 - WLC Local Device Profiling and Policies (Part 2)

The videos demonstrates the use of Local Profiling and Local Policy features on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller to provide granular control of network access to wireless devices. We will first look at how device profiling works and then leverage this information in access policy. We will extend our policy conditions to user AD group via RADIUS role attribute and location in order to enforce differentiate level of access.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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WL0027 - WLC Local Device Profiling and Policies (Part 1)

The videos demonstrates the use of Local Profiling and Local Policy features on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller to provide granular control of network access to wireless devices. We will first look at how device profiling works and then leverage this information in access policy. We will extend our policy conditions to user AD group via RADIUS role attribute and location in order to enforce differentiate level of access.
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WL0026 - WLC Voice over WLAN and QoS (Part 3)

The video goes through configuration on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller to support wireless Quality of Service (QoS). Voice over Wireless will be used to demonstrate End-to-End QoS marking. Wireshark packet capture will be performed on both wired and wireless as part of QoS analysis. The lab closes by showing Multicast Music on Hold working in conjunction with Multicast Direct feature.
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WL0026 - WLC Voice over WLAN and QoS (Part 2)

The video goes through configuration on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller to support wireless Quality of Service (QoS). Voice over Wireless will be used to demonstrate End-to-End QoS marking. Wireshark packet capture will be performed on both wired and wireless as part of QoS analysis. The lab closes by showing Multicast Music on Hold working in conjunction with Multicast Direct feature.
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WL0026 - WLC Voice over WLAN and QoS (Part 1)

The video goes through configuration on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller to support wireless Quality of Service (QoS). Voice over Wireless will be used to demonstrate End-to-End QoS marking. Wireshark packet capture will be performed on both wired and wireless as part of QoS analysis. The lab closes by showing Multicast Music on Hold working in conjunction with Multicast Direct feature.
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