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SEC0039 - ISE 1.1 802.1X Switch & WLC Recommended Config (Part 2)

The video presents you with Cisco recommended switch and Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) configuration to interoperate with Cisco ISE. Most configurations are for enabling 802.1X and RADIUS, while the remaining (eg. SNMP, DHCP etc) are for providing additional information as part of ISE device profiling. Here we use a Cisco 3750 and vWLC in our demonstration, and we will also add them to Network Device. The video closes by going through the switch configuration validator.

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WL0001 - vWLC 7.3 VMware Installation

The video demonstrates installation of a virtual Wireless LAN Controller (vWLC). We will step through the configuration starting from the creation of a virtual machine all the way to enabling evaluation license,  having an access point join the controller and a user connects to a SSID. There will be mentions of certain requirements needed for successful configuration. We recommend basic knowledge of VMware ESXi before viewing this video. 

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Cisco Virtual Wireless LAN Controller (vWLC) 7.3 Installation Caveats

Cisco has released a Virtual Wireless LAN Controller (vWLC), a VM version of a controller that has always been an appliance or hardware module, with 60-day evaluation at installation. Your first thought might be less hardware cost and a WLC can take all the advantages of being a VM. For those of you who like to lab, like myself, but always have difficulty getting your hands on a WLC, this may seems like a great news that you can now have a WLC readily available for testing. Well, this is very true as long as you have thoroughly reviewed the vWLC Deployment Guide and understand all the requirements and limitations, otherwise, you may find out the hard way that things may not work the way you expected them to. In this article, we will point out two important caveats that you need to be aware of in order to have a vWLC setup and functioning correctly. Please refer to the vWLC Deployment Guide for pre-requisites and detail installation steps.


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