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SEC0178 - ASA FirePower Traffic Profile

The video demonstrates capability of Cisco ASA FirePower to detect anomalous traffic pattern. We will be configuring the FireSight System to monitor HTTP traffic to our servers, create traffic profile, and have it generate alert upon significant traffic pattern deviation. A HTTP packet generation tool will be used to generate HTTP requests at different rate to test our traffic profile.

Average: 5 (5 votes)
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SEC0177 - ASA FirePower Event Correlation and Remediation (Part 2)

The video demonstrates Cisco ASA FirePower capability to correlate system events and generate appropriate remediation responses. We will go through two example scenarios; one with a basic event matching and responding, and the other continues to track the connection and apply a more complex conditions before issuing response. Specifically, we will configure NMAP scan and IP shun remediations. 

Average: 5 (3 votes)
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SEC0177 - ASA FirePower Event Correlation and Remediation (Part 1)

The video demonstrates Cisco ASA FirePower capability to correlate system events and generate appropriate remediation responses. We will go through two example scenarios; one with a basic event matching and responding, and the other continues to track the connection and apply a more complex conditions before issuing response. Specifically, we will configure NMAP scan and IP shun remediations. 

Average: 5 (4 votes)
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