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SEC0424 - Duo Protected Applications (Part 3)

The video walks you through setting up protected applications on Duo Security. We will use Meraki Cloud admin and FMC On-prem console in the demonstration. Duo SSO that was setup in the previous lab will be leveraged as IdP. We will test both on-prem and cloud user directory version on Duo SSO.

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SEC0424 - Duo Protected Applications (Part 2)

The video walks you through setting up protected applications on Duo Security. We will use Meraki Cloud admin and FMC On-prem console in the demonstration. Duo SSO that was setup in the previous lab will be leveraged as IdP. We will test both on-prem and cloud user directory version on Duo SSO.

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SEC0424 - Duo Protected Applications (Part 1)

The video walks you through setting up protected applications on Duo Security. We will use Meraki Cloud admin and FMC On-prem console in the demonstration. Duo SSO that was setup in the previous lab will be leveraged as IdP. We will test both on-prem and cloud user directory version on Duo SSO.

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