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SEC0416 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN Mobile On-Demand VPN (Part 1)

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The video shows you mobile device On-Demand VPN feature with Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We begin by looking at basic VPN mobile apps on iPad and Android. We will then look at three different way to implement the On-Demand VPN using Client Profile, MDM with DNS and MDM with trusted wireless SSID.

Part 1 of this video covers iPad and Android VPN App


  • iPad and Android VPN App
  • On-Demand VPN
    • Client Profile
    • MDM
    • Trusted Wireless SSID

About Author

Metha Chiewanichakorn, CCIE#23585 (Ent. Infra, Sec, SP), is a Cisco networking enthusiast with years of experience in the industry. He is currently working as a consulting engineer for a Cisco partner. As a founder of and an instructor at, Metha enjoys learning and challenges himself with new technologies.


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