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SEC0418 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN Load Balancing (Part 2)

The video shows you a configuration of VPN load balancing on Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) with Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will setup two FTD devices in the demonstration with shared certificate, unique IP pool and OSPF routing. Validation and failover testing will be done with Windows PC clients and mobile devices.

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SEC0418 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN Load Balancing (Part 1)

The video shows you a configuration of VPN load balancing on Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) with Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will setup two FTD devices in the demonstration with shared certificate, unique IP pool and OSPF routing. Validation and failover testing will be done with Windows PC clients and mobile devices.

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SEC0417 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN IPSec IKEv2

The video shows you IKEv2 configuration with Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will convert our current setup of SSL VPN to support IKEv2. This will be tested on Windows client and mobile devices

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SEC0416 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN Mobile On-Demand VPN (Part 3)

The video shows you mobile device On-Demand VPN feature with Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We begin by looking at basic VPN mobile apps on iPad and Android. We will then look at three different way to implement the On-Demand VPN using Client Profile, MDM with DNS and MDM with trusted wireless SSID.

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SEC0416 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN Mobile On-Demand VPN (Part 2)

The video shows you mobile device On-Demand VPN feature with Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We begin by looking at basic VPN mobile apps on iPad and Android. We will then look at three different way to implement the On-Demand VPN using Client Profile, MDM with DNS and MDM with trusted wireless SSID.

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SEC0416 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN Mobile On-Demand VPN (Part 1)

The video shows you mobile device On-Demand VPN feature with Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We begin by looking at basic VPN mobile apps on iPad and Android. We will then look at three different way to implement the On-Demand VPN using Client Profile, MDM with DNS and MDM with trusted wireless SSID.

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SEC0215 - ISE 2.0 Meraki MDM with AnyConnect VPN (Part 2)

The video shows an integration between Cisco ISE 2.0 and Meraki System Manager to provide client-based certificate authentication and mobile device posture assessment to AnyConnect VPN client. The configuration covers both ASA and ISE. The goal is to demonstrate an ability to provide consistent network access experience over VPN as we saw over wireless in the previous video.
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SEC0215 - ISE 2.0 Meraki MDM with AnyConnect VPN (Part 1)

The video shows an integration between Cisco ISE 2.0 and Meraki System Manager to provide client-based certificate authentication and mobile device posture assessment to AnyConnect VPN client. The configuration covers both ASA and ISE. The goal is to demonstrate an ability to provide consistent network access experience over VPN as we saw over wireless in the previous video.
Average: 5 (2 votes)
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