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SEC0378 - Firepower 7.0 Custom Application Detector (Part 2)

The video shows you how to discover, match and deny custom application using an Application Detector on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will perform packet capture on a custom application and QUIC protocol and use them to build app detector policy that later can be referenced in an app-based access control rules. This provides great flexibility to match application traffic unknown to Firepower.

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SEC0378 - Firepower 7.0 Custom Application Detector (Part 1)

The video shows you how to discover, match and deny custom application using an Application Detector on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will perform packet capture on a custom application and QUIC protocol and use them to build app detector policy that later can be referenced in an app-based access control rules. This provides great flexibility to match application traffic unknown to Firepower.

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SEC0315 - PAN 9.0 SSL Decryption (Part 3)

The video looks at various aspects around traffic decryption on Palo Alto Firewall. We will be focusing on two commonly-used SSL decryption features namely SSL Forward Proxy and SSL Inbound Inspection to inspect user outbound internet, and inbound to our public-facing server. We will look at a way to prevent FW evasion with SSH tunneling using SSH Proxy. The lab finishes with a discussion around QUIC protocol.

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SEC0315 - PAN 9.0 SSL Decryption (Part 2)

The video looks at various aspects around traffic decryption on Palo Alto Firewall. We will be focusing on two commonly-used SSL decryption features namely SSL Forward Proxy and SSL Inbound Inspection to inspect user outbound internet, and inbound to our public-facing server. We will look at a way to prevent FW evasion with SSH tunneling using SSH Proxy. The lab finishes with a discussion around QUIC protocol.

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SEC0315 - PAN 9.0 SSL Decryption (Part 1)

The video looks at various aspects around traffic decryption on Palo Alto Firewall. We will be focusing on two commonly-used SSL decryption features namely SSL Forward Proxy and SSL Inbound Inspection to inspect user outbound internet, and inbound to our public-facing server. We will look at a way to prevent FW evasion with SSH tunneling using SSH Proxy. The lab finishes with a discussion around QUIC protocol.

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