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DC0014 - ACI L2Out (Part 3)

The video shows two methods to extend L2 subnets and broadcast domains from Cisco ACI to an external network namely EPG Extension and Extended Bridged Network (L2OUT). We will looks at both scenarios of having a subnet default gateway in ACI and an external network. At the end of the lab, we will demonstrate a server migration from the external network into ACI using the L2 extension we created.
Average: 4 (2 votes)
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DC0014 - ACI L2Out (Part 2)

The video shows two methods to extend L2 subnets and broadcast domains from Cisco ACI to an external network namely EPG Extension and Extended Bridged Network (L2OUT). We will looks at both scenarios of having a subnet default gateway in ACI and an external network. At the end of the lab, we will demonstrate a server migration from the external network into ACI using the L2 extension we created.
Average: 5 (2 votes)
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DC0014 - ACI L2Out (Part 1)

The video shows two methods to extend L2 subnets and broadcast domains from Cisco ACI to an external network namely EPG Extension and Extended Bridged Network (L2OUT). We will looks at both scenarios of having a subnet default gateway in ACI and an external network. At the end of the lab, we will demonstrate a server migration from the external network into ACI using the L2 extension we created.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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