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RS0113 - SDA Fundamental (Part 2)

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The video introduces you to Cisco Software-Defined Access solution and helps you understand architecture and components especially if you are new to the technologies. We will cover both hardware and software components, and concept of wired and wireless SDA. This is a very important video to watch before proceeding to the configuration videos as it lays foundation to Cisco SDA.
Part 2 of this video covers required hardware
  • SDA Architecture
  • Fabric Components
  • Data, Control, Management Planes
  • Solution Hardware
  • SDA Wired and Wireless
  • License

About Author

Metha Chiewanichakorn, CCIE#23585 (Ent. Infra, Sec, SP), is a Cisco networking enthusiast with years of experience in the industry. He is currently working as a consulting engineer for a Cisco partner. As a founder of and an instructor at, Metha enjoys learning and challenges himself with new technologies.


Haven't set ours up yet, but the documentation indicates that the left hand 1Gb is required, "This port is required, because it allows access to the Cisco DNA Center GUI."

In the video you said it is optional.

Edit: Elsewhere in the documentation it says the port is optional. Gotta love consistency.

Cisco doc recommends you use the first 1G for OOB mgmt but you don't really need to. The problem with that is there is only one default GW for all interfaces and you normally put it on the Enterprise 10G interface so if you use the 1G for mgmt, you either can only connect from host on same subnet or need to configure static route which might not be practical. Unless the Enterprise 10G is in an isolated network, we would say just access your GUI that way and forgo the 1G.

You are right about the (in)consistency :)


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