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WL0072 - 9800 WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 2)

The video shows you merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will look at different types of MFP and its standard counterpart; 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through deauth attack mitigation against various devices. Wireshark capture will be performed to provide insight into the mechanics.

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WL0072 - 9800 WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 1)

The video shows you merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will look at different types of MFP and its standard counterpart; 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through deauth attack mitigation against various devices. Wireshark capture will be performed to provide insight into the mechanics.

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WL0056 - 9800 WLC L2 Security WPA3 (Part 3)

The video shows you how to configure WPA3 security on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will be configuring and testing different mode of WPA3 including SAE, OWE, and Enterprise. Issue with endpoint compatibility will be highlighted, and in the case of OWE, a transition mode will be explored.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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WL0056 - 9800 WLC L2 Security WPA3 (Part 2)

The video shows you how to configure WPA3 security on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will be configuring and testing different mode of WPA3 including SAE, OWE, and Enterprise. Issue with endpoint compatibility will be highlighted, and in the case of OWE, a transition mode will be explored.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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WL0056 - 9800 WLC L2 Security WPA3 (Part 1)

The video shows you how to configure WPA3 security on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will be configuring and testing different mode of WPA3 including SAE, OWE, and Enterprise. Issue with endpoint compatibility will be highlighted, and in the case of OWE, a transition mode will be explored.
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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 3)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 2)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 1)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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