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SEC0396 - Firepower 7.0 Site-to-Site VPN with Pre-Shared Key (Part 4)

The video focuses on a provisioning of Site-to-Site VPN on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will be configuring three different VPN topologies: Point-to-Point, Hub-and-Spoke, and Full Mesh, to connect a datacenter to two remote sites. You will learn a different configuration components required to create a VPN tunnel.

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SEC0396 - Firepower 7.0 Site-to-Site VPN with Pre-Shared Key (Part 3)

The video focuses on a provisioning of Site-to-Site VPN on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will be configuring three different VPN topologies: Point-to-Point, Hub-and-Spoke, and Full Mesh, to connect a datacenter to two remote sites. You will learn a different configuration components required to create a VPN tunnel.

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SEC0396 - Firepower 7.0 Site-to-Site VPN with Pre-Shared Key (Part 2)

The video focuses on a provisioning of Site-to-Site VPN on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will be configuring three different VPN topologies: Point-to-Point, Hub-and-Spoke, and Full Mesh, to connect a datacenter to two remote sites. You will learn a different configuration components required to create a VPN tunnel.

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SEC0396 - Firepower 7.0 Site-to-Site VPN with Pre-Shared Key (Part 1)

The video focuses on a provisioning of Site-to-Site VPN on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will be configuring three different VPN topologies: Point-to-Point, Hub-and-Spoke, and Full Mesh, to connect a datacenter to two remote sites. You will learn a different configuration components required to create a VPN tunnel.

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SEC0372 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (Azure) Device Installation (Part 3)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in Azure on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of Azure VNET and relevant configuration. We will install a virtual machine instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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SEC0372 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (Azure) Device Installation (Part 2)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in Azure on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of Azure VNET and relevant configuration. We will install a virtual machine instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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SEC0372 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (Azure) Device Installation (Part 1)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in Azure on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of Azure VNET and relevant configuration. We will install a virtual machine instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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SEC0371 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (AWS) Device Installation (Part 3)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in AWS on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of AWS VPC and relevant configuration. We will install an EC2 instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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SEC0371 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (AWS) Device Installation (Part 2)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in AWS on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of AWS VPC and relevant configuration. We will install an EC2 instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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SEC0371 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (AWS) Device Installation (Part 1)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in AWS on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of AWS VPC and relevant configuration. We will install an EC2 instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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