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SEC0371 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (AWS) Device Installation (Part 3)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in AWS on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of AWS VPC and relevant configuration. We will install an EC2 instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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SEC0371 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (AWS) Device Installation (Part 2)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in AWS on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of AWS VPC and relevant configuration. We will install an EC2 instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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SEC0371 - Firepower 6.7 FTDv (AWS) Device Installation (Part 1)

The video walks you through an installation and configuration of FTDv in AWS on Cisco Firepower 6.7. We will review a design of AWS VPC and relevant configuration. We will install an EC2 instance, and register the FTDv to our on-prem FMC for configuration deployment. The FTDv will be able to protect the public cloud environment by the end of the lab

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DC0007 - ACI Access Policies (Part 3)

The video introduces you to the concept of Access Policies on Cisco ACI. We will be explaining and configuring various physical layer constructs that eventually make up leaf access port configuration. If you are new to ACI, you may want to pay close attention to this video as concepts explained here are crucial to providing connectivity to endpoints. The video closes with a coverage of Global Policies.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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DC0007 - ACI Access Policies (Part 2)

The video introduces you to the concept of Access Policies on Cisco ACI. We will be explaining and configuring various physical layer constructs that eventually make up leaf access port configuration. If you are new to ACI, you may want to pay close attention to this video as concepts explained here are crucial to providing connectivity to endpoints. The video closes with a coverage of Global Policies.
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)
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DC0007 - ACI Access Policies (Part 1)

The video introduces you to the concept of Access Policies on Cisco ACI. We will be explaining and configuring various physical layer constructs that eventually make up leaf access port configuration. If you are new to ACI, you may want to pay close attention to this video as concepts explained here are crucial to providing connectivity to endpoints. The video closes with a coverage of Global Policies.
Average: 5 (3 votes)
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Spanning Tree Priority on Nexus vPC+ and Fabricpath

If you are familiar with Nexus vPC configuration, you might have been setting different STP priority on the primary and secondary switches so the primary is always a STP root, and have that lined up with, for example, HSRP active node. With vPC+ (ie. running vPC on a pair of switches that participate in fabricpath), the two Nexus switches appear as a single logical switch to both fabricpath cloud and upstream/downstream vPC switches, so it is actually crucial to make sure the upstream/downstream vPC switches receive consistent STP root priority regardless of which path is active. In this article, we demonstrate the importance of setting identical STP priority on the vPC+ peer switches, how the switches react when a superior BPDU is received, and other implications using Cisco Nexus 5000.

Nexus 5000 vPC Peer Keepalive Options and Config-Sync Issue

When you configure vPC on Cisco Nexus switches, vPC keepalive link is used by the two vPC peers to detect the liveliness of each other. The vPC keepalive plays a critical role of resolving a dual-active (aka split brain) scenario when the vPC peer link is down. This article presents different interface options of configuring vPC keepalive link on Nexus 5000 and discusses their pros and cons.

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