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WL0032 - WLC Mobility Group L2 and L3 Roaming (Part 3)

The video helps you understand the significance of Mobility Group on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will go through Mobility Group configuration between two WLCs and look into mobility communication using Wireshark capture. We will demonstrate various roaming scenarios including L2/L3 Intra and Inter Controller roaming and examine how client wirleess connectivity is effected.
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)
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WL0032 - WLC Mobility Group L2 and L3 Roaming (Part 2)

The video helps you understand the significance of Mobility Group on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will go through Mobility Group configuration between two WLCs and look into mobility communication using Wireshark capture. We will demonstrate various roaming scenarios including L2/L3 Intra and Inter Controller roaming and examine how client wirleess connectivity is effected.
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WL0032 - WLC Mobility Group L2 and L3 Roaming (Part 1)

The video helps you understand the significance of Mobility Group on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will go through Mobility Group configuration between two WLCs and look into mobility communication using Wireshark capture. We will demonstrate various roaming scenarios including L2/L3 Intra and Inter Controller roaming and examine how client wirleess connectivity is effected.
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WL0031 - WLC Rogue Detection and IDS (Part 4)

The video discusses a topic of rogue device detection on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will demonstrate how a rogue is detected, using Monitor Mode AP and WSM, and determined if it is connected to your corporate network. We will go through configuration of rogue classification and containment. The video closes with overview on wireless IDS. Wireshark captures are taken throughout the video to provide you with insight into protocol behavior. 
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WL0031 - WLC Rogue Detection and IDS (Part 3)

The video discusses a topic of rogue device detection on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will demonstrate how a rogue is detected, using Monitor Mode AP and WSM, and determined if it is connected to your corporate network. We will go through configuration of rogue classification and containment. The video closes with overview on wireless IDS. Wireshark captures are taken throughout the video to provide you with insight into protocol behavior. 
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WL0031 - WLC Rogue Detection and IDS (Part 2)

The video discusses a topic of rogue device detection on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will demonstrate how a rogue is detected, using Monitor Mode AP and WSM, and determined if it is connected to your corporate network. We will go through configuration of rogue classification and containment. The video closes with overview on wireless IDS. Wireshark captures are taken throughout the video to provide you with insight into protocol behavior. 
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WL0031 - WLC Rogue Detection and IDS (Part 1)

The video discusses a topic of rogue device detection on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will demonstrate how a rogue is detected, using Monitor Mode AP and WSM, and determined if it is connected to your corporate network. We will go through configuration of rogue classification and containment. The video closes with overview on wireless IDS. Wireshark captures are taken throughout the video to provide you with insight into protocol behavior. 
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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 3)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 2)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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WL0029 - WLC Management Frame Protection and 802.11w (Part 1)

The video shows you the merits of Management Frame Protection feature on Cisco Wireless LAN Controller. We will look at what MFP is all about as well as its standard counterpart of 802.11w, aka Protected Management Frame. These will be demonstrated through a mitigation of deauth attack against various devices. Wireshark capture will be perform to give you insight to their operations.
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