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RS0151 - SD-WAN Dual Transports (Part 3)

The video covers various aspect of routing and configuration of a dual-transport setup in Cisco SD-WAN. We will modify our lab configuration to have our sites fully utilize both transport and look at how route/path redundancy and failover behaves by default. Other supporting configuration for site redundancy such as using loopback for tunnel source and VRRP are also implemented in this lab.
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RS0151 - SD-WAN Dual Transports (Part 2)

The video covers various aspect of routing and configuration of a dual-transport setup in Cisco SD-WAN. We will modify our lab configuration to have our sites fully utilize both transport and look at how route/path redundancy and failover behaves by default. Other supporting configuration for site redundancy such as using loopback for tunnel source and VRRP are also implemented in this lab.
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RS0151 - SD-WAN Dual Transports (Part 1)

The video covers various aspect of routing and configuration of a dual-transport setup in Cisco SD-WAN. We will modify our lab configuration to have our sites fully utilize both transport and look at how route/path redundancy and failover behaves by default. Other supporting configuration for site redundancy such as using loopback for tunnel source and VRRP are also implemented in this lab.
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RS0009 - VRRP

The video demonstrates VRRP configuration on two routers providing an IP gateway. Failover behavior caused by interface object tracking is observed. We also review VRRP packet captured on Wireshark. VRRP serves the same purpose as HSRP with minor differences: one being a standard protocol, hence it would be a protocol of choice for inter-operability with other vendors.

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