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SEC0259 - FlexVPN L2L with Spoke-to-Spoke (Part 2)

The video demonstrates Spoke-to-Spoke tunnel capability of Cisco FlexVPN. We will be converting our Hub-and-Spoke DVTI implementation to support Spoke-to-Spoke tunnel. We will review how NHRP is actually used in the tunnel instantiation process and discuss how this is different from DMVPN. The video finishes with a review of NHRP debug packet.
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SEC0259 - FlexVPN L2L with Spoke-to-Spoke (Part 1)

The video demonstrates Spoke-to-Spoke tunnel capability of Cisco FlexVPN. We will be converting our Hub-and-Spoke DVTI implementation to support Spoke-to-Spoke tunnel. We will review how NHRP is actually used in the tunnel instantiation process and discuss how this is different from DMVPN. The video finishes with a review of NHRP debug packet.
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SEC0005 - DMVPN Interesting Traffic and Per-Tunnel QoS

The first half of the video shows you how to specify an interesting traffic that will cause a DMVPN spoke-to-spoke tunnel to be initiated, and utilized. In the second half, we will look at an ability to configure per-tunnel QoS from hub to spokes using NHRP group.

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SEC0004 - DMVPN Redundancy - Dual Hub Single Cloud

The video shows you how to build a redundant DMVPN network with dual-hub dual-cloud design. The failover capability is provided by routing protocol. With EIGRP chosen for demonstration in this video, we show how to perform a simple tweak in the routing metric to solve potential asymmetrical routing. The video concludes with failover testing and shows that spoke-to-spoke traffic is not interrupted upon a Hub failure.

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SEC0003 - DMVPN Redundancy - Dual Hub Dual Cloud

The video shows you how to build a redundant DMVPN network with dual-hub dual-cloud design. The failover capability is provided by routing protocol. With EIGRP chosen for demonstration in this video, we show how to perform a simple tweak in the routing metric to solve potential asymmetrical routing. The video concludes with failover testing and shows that spoke-to-spoke traffic is not interrupted upon a Hub failure.

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SEC0002 - DMVPN Phase 3 - Hierarchy and Summarization

The video demonstrates another benefit of DMVPN Phase 3. We look at how DMVPN operates when a large network is partitioned into hierarchical regions for scalability and still maintain the capability of creating spoke-to-spoke tunnels. The video also points out some configuration pitfalls with the NHRP network id and tunnel key.

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SEC0001 - DMVPN Phase 1 and 2

The video extends our previous knowledge on NHRP (see videos RS0015, RS0016) by adding IPSec and form DMVPN. We walk through the crypto configuration and point out the specific to support dynamic IPSec tunnel creation for spoke-to-spoke communication. DMVPN is one of the most popular forms of WAN connectivity over internet due to the low configuration requirement and ability to allow additional sites to be brought up with minimal effort, without modifying the Hub configuration.

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RS0016 - NHRP Phase 2 and 3

The video continues from "RS0015 - NHRP Phase 1" video into Phase 2 and 3 with dynamic Spoke-to-Spoke tunnels. We observes how a spoke router is able to construct a direct tunnel to other spokes through the process of Resolution request and reply. In the second half, the video demonstrates the benifit of route summarization allowed by NHRP Phase 3 configuration. Wireshark capture is reviewed throughout the video. 

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RS0015 - NHRP Phase 1

The video looks at Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP) Phase 1 with Hub-and-Spoke topology and explains the differences from point-to-point GRE tunnel. NHRP is the basis of widely-used DMVPN. Without the IPSec encryption in DMVPN, we are able see the actual NHRP packets in action, which helps to understand how the protocol operates (ie. Spoke Registration Request/Reply). We will analyze these packets in Wireshark. 

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