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ip sla

SEC0361 - Firepower 6.7 Routing - Static and VRF (Part 3)

The video shows you how to configure two routing features on Cisco Firepower 6.7; static route and VRF. We have a simple setup to allow internal users access to internet using static route. IP SLA will be added to provide path failover capability. Guest users will be segregated into a Guest VRF but are allowed to utilized an internal DNS server via route leaking.

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SEC0361 - Firepower 6.7 Routing - Static and VRF (Part 2)

The video shows you how to configure two routing features on Cisco Firepower 6.7; static route and VRF. We have a simple setup to allow internal users access to internet using static route. IP SLA will be added to provide path failover capability. Guest users will be segregated into a Guest VRF but are allowed to utilized an internal DNS server via route leaking.

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SEC0361 - Firepower 6.7 Routing - Static and VRF (Part 1)

The video shows you how to configure two routing features on Cisco Firepower 6.7; static route and VRF. We have a simple setup to allow internal users access to internet using static route. IP SLA will be added to provide path failover capability. Guest users will be segregated into a Guest VRF but are allowed to utilized an internal DNS server via route leaking.

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SEC0239 - FTD 6.1 Routing - Static BGP (Part 4)

The video shows you how to configure two routing options on Cisco FTD 6.1; static route and BGP. We will first go over different types of static routes and how to achieve routing redundancy with IP SLA. The remaining of the video is dedicated to BGP routing as we covers various BGP capabilities supported on FTD from basic route advertisement to route filtering and summarization.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0239 - FTD 6.1 Routing - Static BGP (Part 3)

The video shows you how to configure two routing options on Cisco FTD 6.1; static route and BGP. We will first go over different types of static routes and how to achieve routing redundancy with IP SLA. The remaining of the video is dedicated to BGP routing as we covers various BGP capabilities supported on FTD from basic route advertisement to route filtering and summarization.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0239 - FTD 6.1 Routing - Static BGP (Part 2)

The video shows you how to configure two routing options on Cisco FTD 6.1; static route and BGP. We will first go over different types of static routes and how to achieve routing redundancy with IP SLA. The remaining of the video is dedicated to BGP routing as we covers various BGP capabilities supported on FTD from basic route advertisement to route filtering and summarization.
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SEC0239 - FTD 6.1 Routing - Static BGP (Part 1)

The video shows you how to configure two routing options on Cisco FTD 6.1; static route and BGP. We will first go over different types of static routes and how to achieve routing redundancy with IP SLA. The remaining of the video is dedicated to BGP routing as we covers various BGP capabilities supported on FTD from basic route advertisement to route filtering and summarization.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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