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SEC0070 - ASA 1000V Installation (VNMC Mode)

The video walks you through an installation process of redundant ASA 1000V in VNMC mode from .ova file. We will create VLAN and port-profiles on Cisco Nexus 1000V for interfaces on ASA 1000V. At the end of the lab, we will register the ASA 1000V to a VNMC and be ready for configuration.
  • ASA 1000V has four main interfaces
    • Outside
    • Inside
    • Management
    • Failover
  • ASA 1000V may have additional logical security profile interfaces 
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SEC0066 - VSG Layer 3 Installation

The video walks you through an installation process of redundant VSG in L3 mode from .ova file. Manual install option will be selected for the primary VSG, while the secondary will be installed with the installer. We will create port-profiles on Cisco Nexus 1000V for interfaces on VSG. At the end of the lab, we will have VSG registered with VNMC and be ready for configuration.

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SEC0065 - Virtual Network Management Center (VNMC) Installation

The video walks you through an installation process of Cisco VNMC. To build foundation of our system, we will register VNMC to vCenter and register VSM to VNMC. We will also create a simple organization hierarchy for our virtual datacenter in preparation for our future labs. This video is applicable to both Cisco VSG and ASA 1000V.

  • VNMC Installation
  • VSM
  • vCenter

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RS0021 - Nexus 1000V Layer 3 VSM VEM Installation (Manual and VUM) (Part 2)

The video walks you through Cisco Nexus 1000V installation in Layer 3 mode. We will explore various methods to install both VSM and VEM so you can be aware of steps involved and determine which method will work best in your deployment. This lab takes what we have discussed on the Nexus 1000V introduction video, and applies them into actual implementation. 

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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RS0020 - Nexus 1000V Layer 3 VSM VEM Installation (Manual and VUM) (Part 1)

The video walks you through Cisco Nexus 1000V installation in Layer 3 mode. We will explore various methods to install both VSM and VEM so you can be aware of steps involved and determine which method will work best in your deployment. This lab takes what we have discussed on the Nexus 1000V introduction video, and applies them into actual implementation. 

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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Cisco Nexus 1000V Installation and Deployment Options

When it comes to planning your Cisco Nexus 1000V install, you will find that there are a lot of decisions you need to make from both design perspective and installation procedure.  Cisco provides multiple implementation options that you can choose from to get your Nexus 1000V up and running.  Having these different options gives you flexibility but, at the same time, requires you to be aware of the specifics as you will see in this article that some options may not always be suitable in all situations. This can be overwhelming especially to newcomers who are still trying to grasp on the concept and components of Nexus 1000V. In this article, we discuss some of the common deployment options of Nexus 1000V that you can use to build your design upon. We will look at pros and cons for each option. Although we will not be covering installation and configuration processes in detail, we have videos that provide step-by-step guides on our website so feel free to check them out. Here, we assume that you have basic knowledge of Cisco Nexus 1000V and VMware vSphere server.


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