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SEC0383 - Firepower 7.0 URL and Web Category Filtering (Part 3)

The video helps you unlock URL filtering feature on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will add Access Control rules that permit, warn, and deny user traffic based on URL and web category matching. We will customize user HTTP response and finish off with a demonstration of DNS filtering enhancement.

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SEC0383 - Firepower 7.0 URL and Web Category Filtering (Part 2)

The video helps you unlock URL filtering feature on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will add Access Control rules that permit, warn, and deny user traffic based on URL and web category matching. We will customize user HTTP response and finish off with a demonstration of DNS filtering enhancement.

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SEC0383 - Firepower 7.0 URL and Web Category Filtering (Part 1)

The video helps you unlock URL filtering feature on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will add Access Control rules that permit, warn, and deny user traffic based on URL and web category matching. We will customize user HTTP response and finish off with a demonstration of DNS filtering enhancement.

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WL0071 - 9800 WLC Miscellaneous Security Features (Part 3)

The video demonstrates miscellaneous security features available on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will look at various type of Access Control Lists and differences in their usage, how to protect your network from misbehaving client with Client Exclusion,  how Wifi Direct devices can post a threat to your network, and how to secure data traffic between AP and WLC with CAPWAP data encryption. The video closes with an integration with Cisco Umbrella for DNS Security.

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WL0071 - 9800 WLC Miscellaneous Security Features (Part 2)

The video demonstrates miscellaneous security features available on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will look at various type of Access Control Lists and differences in their usage, how to protect your network from misbehaving client with Client Exclusion,  how Wifi Direct devices can post a threat to your network, and how to secure data traffic between AP and WLC with CAPWAP data encryption. The video closes with an integration with Cisco Umbrella for DNS Security.

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WL0071 - 9800 WLC Miscellaneous Security Features (Part 1)

The video demonstrates miscellaneous security features available on Cisco 9800 WLC. We will look at various type of Access Control Lists and differences in their usage, how to protect your network from misbehaving client with Client Exclusion,  how Wifi Direct devices can post a threat to your network, and how to secure data traffic between AP and WLC with CAPWAP data encryption. The video closes with an integration with Cisco Umbrella for DNS Security.

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WL0046 - 9800 WLC Access Point Registration (Part 3)

The video walks you through different methods to register access point to Cisco 9800 WLC. We will cover four options: L3 broadcast, directed L3 broadcast, DHCP option 43 and DNS. Packet capture will be performed along the way to get some insight into how AP behave in each of the scenario.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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WL0046 - 9800 WLC Access Point Registration (Part 2)

The video walks you through different methods to register access point to Cisco 9800 WLC. We will cover four options: L3 broadcast, directed L3 broadcast, DHCP option 43 and DNS. Packet capture will be performed along the way to get some insight into how AP behave in each of the scenario.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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WL0046 - 9800 WLC Access Point Registration (Part 1)

The video walks you through different methods to register access point to Cisco 9800 WLC. We will cover four options: L3 broadcast, directed L3 broadcast, DHCP option 43 and DNS. Packet capture will be performed along the way to get some insight into how AP behave in each of the scenario.
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0316 - PAN 9.0 DNS Security and SafeSearch (Part 2)

The video walks you through configuration of two security features; DNS Security and Safesearch, on Pal Alto Firewall. We will demonstrate how DNS security can help preventing users from visiting destinations with malicious domains, and with a use of sinkhole, we can discover a true source of DNS request. The second half covers a way to control user search engine result with Safesearch.

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