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RS0094 - Prime 3.1 Switchport Trace (Part 2)

The video explains and demonstrates how a rogue wireless device can be detected on the network by Cisco Prime Infrastructure 3.1 using Switchport Trace feature. We will look at both auto and manual Switchport Trace to look for a rouge wireless client connected to a test Aruba AP. We will also perform switchport shutdown from Prime. 
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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RS0094 - Prime 3.1 Switchport Trace (Part 1)

The video explains and demonstrates how a rogue wireless device can be detected on the network by Cisco Prime Infrastructure 3.1 using Switchport Trace feature. We will look at both auto and manual Switchport Trace to look for a rouge wireless client connected to a test Aruba AP. We will also perform switchport shutdown from Prime. 
Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0210 - ISE 2.0 3rd Party NAD (Aruba Guest Posture BYOD) (Part 2)

The video continues from the previous video with the configuration of 3rd party Network Access Device (NAD) on Cisco ISE 2.0. We will extend basic 802.1X on Aruba IAP to support Posture Assessment, Guest CWA, and BYOD. 

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0210 - ISE 2.0 3rd Party NAD (Aruba Guest Posture BYOD) (Part 1)

The video continues from the previous video with the configuration of 3rd party Network Access Device (NAD) on Cisco ISE 2.0. We will extend basic 802.1X on Aruba IAP to support Posture Assessment, Guest CWA, and BYOD. 

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)
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SEC0209 - ISE 2.0 3rd Party NAD (Aruba MAB 802.1X) (Part 3)

The video walks you through configuration of 3rd party Network Access Device (NAD) on Cisco ISE 2.0. We will make Aruba IAP work with Cisco ISE on two types of authentication methods: MAB and basic 802.1X. We will review configuration on the Aruba AP required to make it compatible with ISE.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0209 - ISE 2.0 3rd Party NAD (Aruba MAB 802.1X) (Part 2)

The video walks you through configuration of 3rd party Network Access Device (NAD) on Cisco ISE 2.0. We will make Aruba IAP work with Cisco ISE on two types of authentication methods: MAB and basic 802.1X. We will review configuration on the Aruba AP required to make it compatible with ISE.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0209 - ISE 2.0 3rd Party NAD (Aruba MAB 802.1X) (Part 1)

The video walks you through configuration of 3rd party Network Access Device (NAD) on Cisco ISE 2.0. We will make Aruba IAP work with Cisco ISE on two types of authentication methods: MAB and basic 802.1X. We will review configuration on the Aruba AP required to make it compatible with ISE.

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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