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SEC0308 - PAN 9.0 Application ID (Part 3)

The video introduces you to one of the most important features on Palo Alto firewall, which is Application ID. We will go through the basic configuration of AppID, and different ways to match a group of applications using tags, app groups, and filters. Our configuration scenarios include best practices and recommendations.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0308 - PAN 9.0 Application ID (Part 2)

The video introduces you to one of the most important features on Palo Alto firewall, which is Application ID. We will go through the basic configuration of AppID, and different ways to match a group of applications using tags, app groups, and filters. Our configuration scenarios include best practices and recommendations.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0308 - PAN 9.0 Application ID (Part 1)

The video introduces you to one of the most important features on Palo Alto firewall, which is Application ID. We will go through the basic configuration of AppID, and different ways to match a group of applications using tags, app groups, and filters. Our configuration scenarios include best practices and recommendations.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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