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SEC0199 - ISE 1.3 802.1X and CWA Chaining (Part 2)

The video demonstrates a feature called 802.1X and CWA chaining on Cisco ISE 1.3. Many organization has a requirement to enforce two-factor authentication and here we will combine knowledge from previous videos to achieve this. In addition to performing 802.1X machine and user authentication, we will force our internal users to provide login credential through guest web portal. User information will be cross-checked between two methods for consistency before allow network access.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0199 - ISE 1.3 802.1X and CWA Chaining (Part 1)

The video demonstrates a feature called 802.1X and CWA chaining on Cisco ISE 1.3. Many organization has a requirement to enforce two-factor authentication and here we will combine knowledge from previous videos to achieve this. In addition to performing 802.1X machine and user authentication, we will force our internal users to provide login credential through guest web portal. User information will be cross-checked between two methods for consistency before allow network access.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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