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SP0025 - MPLS 6VPE (Part 2)

The video demonstrates an ability to support multiple IPv6 client networks across Cisco IPv4 MPLS VPN. We will show the similarity to the regular MPLS VPN and go over configurations changes that you need to make to the VRF definition and address-family type in order to support VPNv6 routes. For simplicity, we will use static routes for our PE-CE routing in this lab.

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SP0025 - MPLS 6VPE (Part 1)

The video demonstrates an ability to support multiple IPv6 client networks across Cisco IPv4 MPLS VPN. We will show the similarity to the regular MPLS VPN and go over configurations changes that you need to make to the VRF definition and address-family type in order to support VPNv6 routes. For simplicity, we will use static routes for our PE-CE routing in this lab.

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