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SEC0057 - ISE 1.1 Posture Assessment with Web Agent

The video extends our knowledge on Cisco ISE posture assessment to guest machines that do not have NAC Agent installed. Continuing on from our previous NAC Agent videos, we will be performing basic Antivirus software install check on a guest machine using the temporal NAC Web Agent. We will look at both situations where the posture check passes and fails and ability to switch user to a different VLAN upon being compliant.

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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SEC0056 - ISE 1.1 Posture Assessment with NAC Agent (Part 2)

The video looks at posture assessment configuration on Cisco ISE. We will be performing Antivirus installation, and signature definition update checks before allowing a domain user onto the network.  Using wired Windows 7 and ClamWin Antivirus as an example, we will step through the posture assessment process, starting from NAC Agent download, and, along the way, try to bring our test machine to a compliant state to gain full network access. 

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)
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SEC0055 - ISE 1.1 Posture Assessment with NAC Agent (Part 1)

The video looks at posture assessment configuration on Cisco ISE. We will be performing Antivirus installation, and signature definition update checks before allowing a domain user onto the network.  Using wired Windows 7 and ClamWin Antivirus as an example, we will step through the posture assessment process, starting from NAC Agent download, and, along the way, try to bring our test machine to a compliant state to gain full network access. 

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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