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SEC0408 - Firepower 7.0 AnyConnect VPN Azure MFA (Part 1)

The video walks you through various configuration scenarios of Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) integration with Azure MFA on Cisco Firepower 7.0. First part of the lab covers Microsoft NPS extension. The second part uses Cisco ISE in combination with NPS. We will test both password and certificate-based user authentication and attempt to improve user experience with the MFA.

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SEC0311 - PAN 9.0 User Authentication (Part 4)

The video goes through various ways to perform user authentication on Palo Alto firewall. Two main goals are to address users that are unknown to UserID, and to provide additional security. We will cover browser-challenge SSO authentication in both transparent and redirect mode, and captive portal with RADIUS-based authentication to external database and MFA integration.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0311 - PAN 9.0 User Authentication (Part 3)

The video goes through various ways to perform user authentication on Palo Alto firewall. Two main goals are to address users that are unknown to UserID, and to provide additional security. We will cover browser-challenge SSO authentication in both transparent and redirect mode, and captive portal with RADIUS-based authentication to external database and MFA integration.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0311 - PAN 9.0 User Authentication (Part 2)

The video goes through various ways to perform user authentication on Palo Alto firewall. Two main goals are to address users that are unknown to UserID, and to provide additional security. We will cover browser-challenge SSO authentication in both transparent and redirect mode, and captive portal with RADIUS-based authentication to external database and MFA integration.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0311 - PAN 9.0 User Authentication (Part 1)

The video goes through various ways to perform user authentication on Palo Alto firewall. Two main goals are to address users that are unknown to UserID, and to provide additional security. We will cover browser-challenge SSO authentication in both transparent and redirect mode, and captive portal with RADIUS-based authentication to external database and MFA integration.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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