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SEC0281 - ISE 2.2 Guest Access with Hotspot (Part 2)

The video demonstrates the first guest access deployment model on Cisco ISE 2.2 called Hotspot Guest. We will be configuring ISE to allow our guest users to perform a single-click type of login to access internet, including an access code enforcement. We will also show how to provide better user experience by exempting user from encountering login portal after first login using automatic device registration, or, if desired, control how often users should be redirected back to the login page using Endpoint Purge.
Average: 5 (2 votes)
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SEC0281 - ISE 2.2 Guest Access with Hotspot (Part 1)

The video demonstrates the first guest access deployment model on Cisco ISE 2.2 called Hotspot Guest. We will be configuring ISE to allow our guest users to perform a single-click type of login to access internet, including an access code enforcement. We will also show how to provide better user experience by exempting user from encountering login portal after first login using automatic device registration, or, if desired, control how often users should be redirected back to the login page using Endpoint Purge.
Average: 5 (3 votes)
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