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RS0018 - Nexus 1000V Layer 2 VSM VEM Installation (Manual and VUM) (Part 1)

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The video walks you through Cisco Nexus 1000V installation in Layer 2 mode. We will explore various methods to install both VSM and VEM so you can be aware of steps involved and determine which method will work best in your deployment. This lab takes what we have discussed on the Nexus 1000V introduction video, and applies them into actual implementation. 

In part 1, we will be installing VSM and configure port-profiles.
You can also find detailed discussion on deployment options and more extensive comparison between Layer 2 and Layer 3 mode at Cisco Nexus 1000V Installation and Deployment Options.
Topic includes
  • Nexus 1000V Layer 2 Mode
  • VSM Install
    • Primary VSM using ISO 
    • Secondary VSM using OVA (Manually Configure Nexus 1000V)
  • VEM Install (Manual and VMware Update Manager)
  • Port-Profile
  • Control, Management, Packet VLAN
  • System Vlan
  • ESXi Hosts Added to vCenter
  • VMware Update Manager Installed
  • Download N1KV Software Package from
  • Installation Parameters
    • vCenter - IP, Username,Password
    • N1KV - Hostname, Password, Mgmt IP, Subnet, GW,(Crtl,Mgmt,Packet) Vlan, Domain ID, Layer2/3 etc.
Minimum VM Requirement for .ISO Install
  • OS: Other 64-bit Linux
  • Processor: 1
  • RAM: 2GB
  • NIC: 3
  • HDD: 3GB w/ LSI Logic
  • CPU Speed: 1.5GHz

About Author

Metha Chiewanichakorn, CCIE#23585 (Ent. Infra, Sec, SP), is a Cisco networking enthusiast with years of experience in the industry. He is currently working as a consulting engineer for a Cisco partner. As a founder of and an instructor at, Metha enjoys learning and challenges himself with new technologies.


Can you give details how physical switch is configured and about physical connections from hosts? I assume that connection on vmnic 1 to physical switch is trunc such as on etherchannel where vmnic 2 and 3 are connected to.

Yes.. that is correct. vmnic1 is just a regular trunk, while vmnic2/3 are on port-channel with LACP

To go further vmnic0 is your management network for ESXi hosts. Networks Vlan112 and Vlan 32 are routeable.
Can we migrate i.e. From vmnic1 to the same network interface (vmnic1)?
BTW great piece of fantastic work. Big thanks for it.

Abosultely. You can migrate an active uplink on vSwitch to N1KV. You just need to make sure all VLAN are created on the N1KV and migrate all the VM to appropriate VLAN. You might also need to reconfigure the uplink switch port if you go from non-LACP to LACP. 
We are glad you find our videos useful.. :-)

I replaced the physical switch with an L3 Virtual Router(DD-WRT) as a VM in the esxi host, but the VSM to VEM communication is failing. Could you please point out the mistake I did. The nexus is in L2 Mode.