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Security Newsletter Issue 181 - New Duo Security Video













Duo Security

We have just released the following lab videos for online streaming. Please note that these videos are already included under Duo video bundle.


SEC0438 - Duo Network Gateway SSH (Part 1)
The video shows you how to allow remote user to securely access internal SSH services using Duo Network Gateway. We will leverage Duo Network Gateway we installed in the previous lab and enable SSH relay application. We will use DuoConnect app with Putty client on a Windows PC to test. We will add app policy at the end to further secure the access.

SEC0438 - Duo Network Gateway SSH (Part 2)


SEC0439 - Duo Network Gateway RDP (Part 1)
The video shows you how to allow remote user to securely access internal Windows remote desktop services using Duo Network Gateway. We will explain how the solution works using DNS resolution. We will leverage Duo Network Gateway we installed in the previous lab and enable RDP relay application. We will use Duo Health App and DuoConnect App on a Windows PC to test.

SEC0439 - Duo Network Gateway RDP (Part 2)

To view a complete list of our Duo Security videos, you can visit Duo Video List.

Cisco Duo Video Bundle

All videos in this series are available for purchase
under Duo Video Bundle

Lab Minutes Team