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SEC0081 - VNMC Backup and Restore with VSM VSG ASA 1000V

The video demonstrates backup and restore processes of VNMC. Based on a complete Nexus 1000V, VSG, and ASA 1000V (ASDM) deployment, we will simulate VNMC failure and go through a recovery process from a backup file. 
  • VNMC Backup and Restore
  • Nexus 1000V, VSG, ASA 1000V Registration
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SEC0080 - VSG and ASA 1000V Service Chaining

The video shows how to combine Cisco VSG and ASA 1000V into a single deployment through Service Chaining on Nexus 1000V to build a secured virtual datacenter. You will see how the VSG enforces security policies to east-west traffic, while ASA 1000V enforces the north-south traffic. We will utilize our previously completed VSG and ASA 1000V labs with additional configuration in our demonstration. Here we assume you have already reviewed previous lab videos, or have good familiarity with all related technologies including Nexus 1000V, VSG, and ASA 1000V
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SEC0069 - VSG Advance Security Profile and Policies

The video walks you through advance configuration of Cisco VSG. Based on basic setup on the previous video, we will split our test servers into zones to construct and simulate a multi-tier web services environment by using complex ACL policies. You will be able to see how logical separation can be achieved while having all the hosts residing on the same subnet. 

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0068 - VSG Basic Security Profile and Policies

The video introduces you to the concept of Security Profile/Policy on Cisco VSG, via VNMC web interface. This is where the configuration take places for controlling and restricting traffic. We will start off with a very simple ACL policy to allow all traffic between the hosts, and concentrate on how to get a connection established between VSG and VEM over vPath. At the end of the lab, we will have a functioning setup of VSG.

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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SEC0067 - VSG Device Profile and Compute Firewall

The video shows you how to configure Device Profile/Policy on Cisco VSG through VNMC web interface. These are general global configurations, which include things like AAA, SNMP, Syslog, Domain and NTP. We will then introduce you to the concept of compute firewall and show you how a VSG can be assigned to a particular organization level from a resource pool. The configuration will be verified by testing it with Syslog and SNMP.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0066 - VSG Layer 3 Installation

The video walks you through an installation process of redundant VSG in L3 mode from .ova file. Manual install option will be selected for the primary VSG, while the secondary will be installed with the installer. We will create port-profiles on Cisco Nexus 1000V for interfaces on VSG. At the end of the lab, we will have VSG registered with VNMC and be ready for configuration.

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SEC0065 - Virtual Network Management Center (VNMC) Installation

The video walks you through an installation process of Cisco VNMC. To build foundation of our system, we will register VNMC to vCenter and register VSM to VNMC. We will also create a simple organization hierarchy for our virtual datacenter in preparation for our future labs. This video is applicable to both Cisco VSG and ASA 1000V.

  • VNMC Installation
  • VSM
  • vCenter

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SEC0064 - Introduction to VSG and VNMC

The video introduces you to the concepts behind Cisco VSG and VNMC. We will help you understand how VSG works with other components such as VNMC, VSM and VEM to provide policy-based security within an IP subnet. This video serves as a prerequisite to our future VSG labs. Since this is an introduction-to-technology video, there will be no lab.

  • VSG
  • VNMC
  • VSM
  • VEM
  • vPath
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