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SEC0105 - ASA 9.x NAT46 NAT64 DNS64 Twice NAT (Part 2)

The video walks you through configuration NAT64, NAT46, and DNS64 on Cisco ASA using Twice NAT to connect IPv6 to IPv4 network. We will look at both Stateless and Stateful NAT64 and NAT46, and highlight their pros and cons, and suggest when you should use one over the other. For Stateful NAT64, we will configure static, dynamic NAT, and PAT. Packet analysis on Wireshark will be performed to help us gain better understanding of the IP address translation. Since this video is a counterpart of SEC102-103 with Object NAT, we will make comparisons between these two NAT configuration options. 

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SEC0104 - ASA 9.x NAT46 NAT64 DNS64 Twice NAT (Part 1)

The video walks you through configuration NAT64, NAT46, and DNS64 on Cisco ASA using Twice NAT to connect IPv6 to IPv4 network. We will look at both Stateless and Stateful NAT64 and NAT46, and highlight their pros and cons, and suggest when you should use one over the other. For Stateful NAT64, we will configure static, dynamic NAT, and PAT. Packet analysis on Wireshark will be performed to help us gain better understanding of the IP address translation. Since this video is a counterpart of SEC102-103 with Object NAT, we will make comparisons between these two NAT configuration options. 

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SEC0103 - ASA 9.x NAT46 NAT64 DNS64 Object NAT (Part 2)

The video walks you through configuration NAT64, NAT46, and DNS64 on Cisco ASA using Object NAT to connect IPv6 to IPv4 network. We will look at both Stateless and Stateful NAT64 and NAT46, and highlight their pros and cons, and suggest when you should use one over the other. For Stateful NAT64, we will configure static, dynamic NAT, and PAT. We will also go over how DNS64 can help translating IP embedded in DNS packet as it crosses the v4-v6 network boundary. Packet analysis on Wireshark will be performed to help us gain better understanding of the IP address translation.

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SEC0102 - ASA 9.x NAT46 NAT64 DNS64 Object NAT (Part 1)

The video walks you through configuration NAT64, NAT46, and DNS64 on Cisco ASA using Object NAT to connect IPv6 to IPv4 network. We will look at both Stateless and Stateful NAT64 and NAT46, and highlight their pros and cons, and suggest when you should use one over the other. For Stateful NAT64, we will configure static, dynamic NAT, and PAT. We will also go over how DNS64 can help translating IP embedded in DNS packet as it crosses the v4-v6 network boundary. Packet analysis on Wireshark will be performed to help us gain better understanding of the IP address translation.

Average: 5 (1 vote)
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SEC0008 - ASA 8.3 8.4 NAT Migration Recommendation

The video combines the knowledge from our two previous videos on Object NAT and Twice NAT, and provides some guidelines on how to use them together on a single NAT table. We also discuss about pre-8.3 migration strategies and how the legacy command syntax (eg. nat, global, static, access-list) can be mapped to the new. We finish off the video with an experiment on the placement of destination NAT statement on the NAT table, and note its significance. We hope that you will have a better understanding on ASA 8.3 NAT by the end of this video.

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SEC0007 - ASA 8.3 8.4 Twice NAT

The video looks at how to configure Twice NAT on a Cisco ASA 8.3. We go through NAT configuration syntax for different type of NAT scenarios and examine some characteristics specific to Twice NAT.

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SEC0006 - ASA 8.3 8.4 Object NAT

The video looks at how to configure Object NAT on a Cisco ASA 8.3. We go through NAT configuration syntax for different type of NAT scenarios and examine some characteristics specific to Object NAT.

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