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Public Blog

Why should I start blogging?

Blogging is a great way to contribute your technical wisdoms back to the professional communities, establish your credibility in the industry, and develop your writing and presentation skills. A blog also serves as a documentation for yourself (and others) which you can always refer back in case you come across the same scenario in the future.

Why should I blog with Lab Minutes?

Blogging with Lab Minutes allows you to focus your target audience to Cisco networking professionals and increases the chance of your contents being viewed. For those that may already owned a website, posting your content with Lab Minutes creates a channel for backlinks that can potentially generate more inbound traffic to your website. We also have an ongoing blogging contest to give away a monthly prize to the most published blogger.

What type of blog is available?

We currently offer an article-type blog to public. We may include video blog in the future.

What should I blog about?

You can blog pretty much about anything that you find interesting within Cisco networking and its surrounding technologies. Some suggested type of content are:

  • How to configure something
  • How to troubleshoot something
  • Experience on your implementation, best practices, recommendations
  • Emerging technologies and trends
  • Product review

How do I sign up for blogging?

If you are interested in blogging with us, please create an account (if not already) and submit a request using our online web form with a subject "Blogging Application" and the following information

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