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RS0035 - IPv6 Basic
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Routing & Switching
The video walks you through basic IPv6 interface configuration on Cisco router, and introduces you to a concept of Link-Local, Site-Local and Global addresses. We will look at how an IPv6 host can obtain an IP address through stateless autoconfiguration using a Cisco router and Windows 7 computer as our test devices. We will review the IPv6 fundamental messages used in neighbour discovery from debug outputs and Wireshark packet captures.
- Neighbor Discovery process is based on ICMPv6 and very similar to ARP in IPv4, but with additional features such as default gateway discovery
- IPv6 Interface Configuration (Link-Local, Site-Local, Global)
- Neighbor Solicitation (NS)
- Neighbor Advertisement (NA)
- Router Solicitation (RS)
- Router Advertisement (RA)
- Stateless Autoconfiguration (Router/Windows)