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Video Download

What is video download?

Video download is made available as a premium paid-service for those who would like to download our lab videos and view them locally on their computers, at their own pace, without internet access. The content of these videos are identical to those available for free online viewing on our website.

Does video download differ from Lab Minutes free online videos?

No. They both have identical contents, but video download usually have better video and audio quality and provide more enjoyable viewing experience.

What is video bundle?

Video bundle is a collection of tutorial videos under a particular technology series. This offers our users a discounted alternative, usually over 15% saving, of purchasing large number of videos, as opposed to purchasing them individually. Some bundles also include additional lab documentations.

What am I entitled to with a video download purchase?

A single video download purchase entitles you to one-user license to view the downloaded content. Any distribution, duplication, publication, sharing, and commercial use of purchased content are prohibited. 

What is advance viewing for video download?

Advance viewing videos are videos that have been made available for purchase and download before they have become viewable online. This paid premium service is for our audience who cannot wait for the online version to be released.

Can I upgrade to video bundle after I bought individual videos?

After the video bundle is purchased, we will issue refund for any videos included in the bundle purchased within the last 7 days upon request.

I bought a video bundle, do I get any new videos released to the bundle?

Should a new video gets added to the video bundle within 60 days after your purchase, you can send us request to have the video added to your account free of charge. After 60 days, the video needs to be purchased separately. 

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