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SEC0356 - Firepower 6.7 FMC System Configuration and Certificate (Part 2)

The video takes you through the first look of our freshly installed Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center web interface and shows recommended post-installation configuration including System settings, System updates, Health policy, and Alerting settings. This will serve as a base configuration for our subsequent labs.

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SEC0356 - Firepower 6.7 FMC System Configuration and Certificate (Part 1)

The video takes you through the first look of our freshly installed Cisco Secure Firewall Management Center web interface and shows recommended post-installation configuration including System settings, System updates, Health policy, and Alerting settings. This will serve as a base configuration for our subsequent labs.

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SEC0160 - ASA FirePower FireSight Basic Configuration (Part 2)

The video takes you through the first look of our freshly installed Cisco FireSight system web interface and shows recommended post-installation configuration including FireSight license install, Health Policy, System Policy, System Alerting, and System Updates. This will serves as a base configuration for our subsequent videos.

Average: 5 (4 votes)
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SEC0160 - ASA FirePower FireSight Basic Configuration (Part 1)

The video takes you through the first look of our freshly installed Cisco FireSight system web interface and shows recommended post-installation configuration including FireSight license install, Health Policy, System Policy, System Alerting, and System Updates. This will serves as a base configuration for our subsequent videos.

Average: 5 (5 votes)
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