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SEC0381 - Firepower 7.0 Intrusion Advanced (Part 2)

The video looks into additional capabilities available in Intrusion Policies on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will demonstrate a use of Firepower recommendation that helps you customize intrusion policy to fit your organization traffic pattern. We will perform intrusion rule synchronization from Snort 2 to Snort 3. Metasploit with Kali Linux will be used to test our configuration.

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SEC0381 - Firepower 7.0 Intrusion Advanced (Part 1)

The video looks into additional capabilities available in Intrusion Policies on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will demonstrate a use of Firepower recommendation that helps you customize intrusion policy to fit your organization traffic pattern. We will perform intrusion rule synchronization from Snort 2 to Snort 3. Metasploit with Kali Linux will be used to test our configuration.

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