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SEC0111 - ISE 1.2 AnyConnect VPN RADIUS Authentication and Authorization (Part 2)

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The video walks you through configuration of VPN RADIUS authentication on Cisco ISE 1.2 with AnyConnect Client SSL VPN. We will try to solve the problem of users having to select a VPN group at login by dynamically assigning them to a group-policy via Class RADIUS attribute. We will also attempt to enforce per-user ACL via the Downloadable ACL on ISE. This video is a counterpart of SEC0096 - ACS 5.4 AnyConnect VPN RADIUS Authentication and Authorization.
Part 2 of this video completes ASA configuration and test VPN login.
  • Cisco AnyConnect Client SSL VPN
  • Internal User Identity
  • Internal User Identity Group
  • Network Device
  • Network Device Group
  • Policy Element Result
    • Authorization (Downloadable ACL)
    • Authorization (Authorization Profile)
  • Authentication Policy
  • Authorization Policy
  • ASA RADIUS Server and Default Tunnel Group

About Author

Metha Chiewanichakorn, CCIE#23585 (Ent. Infra, Sec, SP), is a Cisco networking enthusiast with years of experience in the industry. He is currently working as a consulting engineer for a Cisco partner. As a founder of and an instructor at, Metha enjoys learning and challenges himself with new technologies.


how are you. i just want to install the ISE Inline posture node on VMware, does it applicable ?

The latest version might allow you to run IPN on VM although it may not be officially supported.

Thanks alot but do you mean that ise 1.3 IPN support the vmware? If so, please send me any instructions or document for the how to.

Another Q please,
Does that video and part one for it dicuss the IPN or not and if not, is there any labminutes video explain that procedure?
Thanks alot

Cisco used to not allow an ISE VM be converted to IPN in the earlier release but this seems to be removed in ISE 1.3. Even though you may be able to get iPEP working on VM, it is probably only good for lab as it is not officially supported. There is curently no videos on iPEP on Lab Minutes.

Hi, I have been struggling to figure out if it is possible to Authenticate an AnyConnect VPN user with ISE 2.1 and RSA Authentication Manager, once the user is authenticated I then want to assign a dacl or ASA group policy based on if the computer is a member of ActiveDirectory (full access) or not a member (RDP only). The idea here is to not grant untrusted computers more then RDP, no matter who the user connecting is. How would you go about this task? I don't want to use posturing. I would prefer a computer based certificate or something else specific to the domain.
Thanks in advance!

VPN auth does not work the same way as wired or wireless that uses EAP so it is incapable to do machine auth directly with ISE. What you can do is to configure ASA to do both cert-based and user/password based on VPN. This should be under tunnel-group. Cert based will happen first and if that passes, user can be prompted for user/password with password being RSA going to ISE. 

Using your method, using the ASA to do both cert-based and user/password based, if th cert based fails, will the user still be able to authenticate and be assigned a limited access profile? Or if it fails the cert will it just deny the user any access (this we would not want).

In that case, you might want to look at using Hostscan and DAP to check for presence of certificate and depending on the result, you can push different ACL to users. This is all local to ASA and has nothing to do with ISE though.

Thanks for the info, this confirms what i have been hearing from other sources. BTW..great videos! I've watched many of the ISE ones they have helped me a lot!

Hi, I was wondering can we use ISE2.0 as ACS 4.2 (for vpn authentication) to authenticate user from RSA and assign static IP to user?

Absolutely. You can integrate ISE with RSA for authentication and create authorization policy to assign static IP.

And how can assign the static IP ber vpn user u mean use "user identity store"?

The IP would be tied to a user somewhere either on ISE local user DB or external DB like LDAP or AD attribute. You then configure Auth profile to have ISE fetch it and return to VPN device upon successful authentication