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SEC0069 - VSG Advance Security Profile and Policies

The video walks you through advance configuration of Cisco VSG. Based on basic setup on the previous video, we will split our test servers into zones to construct and simulate a multi-tier web services environment by using complex ACL policies. You will be able to see how logical separation can be achieved while having all the hosts residing on the same subnet. 

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SEC0068 - VSG Basic Security Profile and Policies

The video introduces you to the concept of Security Profile/Policy on Cisco VSG, via VNMC web interface. This is where the configuration take places for controlling and restricting traffic. We will start off with a very simple ACL policy to allow all traffic between the hosts, and concentrate on how to get a connection established between VSG and VEM over vPath. At the end of the lab, we will have a functioning setup of VSG.

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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