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SP0002 - MPLS Ping, Traceroute and MRU (Part 2)

The video introduces you to MPLS ping and traceroute, which are important tools that will help you in troubleshooting a MPLS network. We will explain the differences from traditional ping and traceroute and demonstrate how you can use them to track down label discontinuity which may cause MPLS packet drop. We will the discuss the significant of MRU and its effect to packet fragmentation. Wireshark packet capture will be performed throughout this video to show you the MPLs packet structure.

Average: 5 (3 votes)
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SP0002 - MPLS Ping, Traceroute and MRU (Part 1)

The video introduces you to MPLS ping and traceroute, which are important tools that will help you in troubleshooting a MPLS network. We will explain the differences from traditional ping and traceroute and demonstrate how you can use them to track down label discontinuity which may cause MPLS packet drop. We will the discuss the significant of MRU and its effect to packet fragmentation. Wireshark packet capture will be performed throughout this video to show you the MPLs packet structure.

Average: 5 (2 votes)
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