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dnac 2.1

RS0166 - DNAC 2.1 Wired and Wireless SDA

The video dives deeper into the mechanic behind an operation of Cisco SDA. The first half looks into an underlying function of wired fabric and different packet routing scenarios. The second half goes over fabric-enabled wireless which builds upon the wired fabric. This video is recommended to help you get a better understanding of Cisco SDA.

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RS0165 - DNAC 2.1 Fundamental (Part 2)

The video introduces you to Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA) solution and helps you understand its architecture and fabric components. We will explain data, control, and management plane of SDA fabric. We will review hardware required for the solution and available license options. This is a very important video to watch before proceeding to configuration videos as it lays a foundation to Cisco SDA.

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RS0165 - DNAC 2.1 Fundamental (Part 1)

The video introduces you to Cisco Software-Defined Access (SDA) solution and helps you understand its architecture and fabric components. We will explain data, control, and management plane of SDA fabric. We will review hardware required for the solution and available license options. This is a very important video to watch before proceeding to configuration videos as it lays a foundation to Cisco SDA.

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