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ASA FirePower

SEC0159 - ASA FirePower FireSight System Installation

The video walks you through an installation procedure for Cisco FireSight System virtual appliance, and system configuration wizard to setup basic network parameters. We will have access to the FireSight web interface at the end of this video. Familiarity with VMware ESXi is recommended.

Average: 5 (6 votes)
Difficulty Level: 

SEC0158 - ASA FirePower Service Installation

The video gets you started on software installation of Cisco ASA FirePower service module and prepare it to be a managed device that will be added later to a FireSight system. The lab assumes no existing FirePower software installation or that you want to replace the previous IPS or CX services on the ASA.

Average: 5 (7 votes)
Difficulty Level: 


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