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access control

SEC0166 - ASA FirePower Object and Access Control (Part 2)

The video takes you through the heart of Cisco ASA FirePower and FireSight system configuration which is Access Control Policy. We will go through the basic components of Access Control rules including Security Zone, Network Object, Port Object, and Geolocation as well as leveraging user identity obtained from the previous video to build rules based on our requirement scenarios. 

Average: 5 (4 votes)
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SEC0166 - ASA FirePower Object and Access Control (Part 1)

The video takes you through the heart of Cisco ASA FirePower and FireSight system configuration which is Access Control Policy. We will go through the basic components of Access Control rules including Security Zone, Network Object, Port Object, and Geolocation as well as leveraging user identity obtained from the previous video to build rules based on our requirement scenarios. 

Average: 5 (4 votes)
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