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Security Newsletter Issue 170 - New Firepower 7.0 Video













Cisco Firepower 7.0

We have just released the following lab videos for online streaming. Please note that these videos are already included under Firepower 7.0 (Advanced) video bundle.


SEC0390 - Firepower 7.0 Event Correlation and Remediation (Part 1)
The video demonstrates capabilities to correlate system events and generate appropriate remediation responses on Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will go through three sample scenarios; first with a basic event matching and responding, second with connection tracking, and third using Malware event. The responses that will be configured are NMAP scan, ISE ANC and SGT assignment

SEC0390 - Firepower 7.0 Event Correlation and Remediation (Part 2)
SEC0390 - Firepower 7.0 Event Correlation and Remediation (Part 3)


SEC0391 - Firepower 7.0 SecureX Integration
The video walks you through an integration of Cisco SecureX and Cisco Firepower 7.0. We will explore SecureX capability to collect and display events from FMC which can later be used on threat investigation and response.

To view a complete list of our Cisco Firepower videos, you can visit Firepower Video List.

Cisco Firepower 7.0 (Advanced) Video Bundle

All videos in this series are available for purchase
under Cisco Firepower 7.0 (Advanced) Video Bundle

Lab Minutes Team