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Security Newsletter Issue 179 - New Duo Security Video













Duo Security

We have just released the following lab videos for online streaming. Please note that these videos are already included under Duo video bundle.


SEC0429 - Duo AnyConnect VPN with RADIUS (Part 1)
The video demonstrates different implementation options to integrate Duo with Cisco Secure Client (AnyConnect) VPN using RADIUS protocol. We will be configuring and testing using Duo Authentication Proxy as a standalone RADIUS server, in conjunction with Cisco ISE, and strictly to provide MFA with certificate-based authentication.

SEC0429 - Duo AnyConnect VPN with RADIUS (Part 2)
SEC0429 - Duo AnyConnect VPN with RADIUS (Part 3)


SEC0430 - Duo Administration (Part 1)
The video shows you how to manage Duo administrative users. We will begin by configuring and testing password policy and admin roles on Duo local admin accounts. We will then try to leverage integration with Duo SSO to help user avoid having separate login credential. The lab finishes on the topic of Administrative Unit as a way to group managed objects.

SEC0430 - Duo Administration (Part 2)

To view a complete list of our Duo Security videos, you can visit Duo Video List.

Cisco Duo Video Bundle

All videos in this series are available for purchase
under Duo Video Bundle

Lab Minutes Team